Dear Friends... and you other folks too...
I get a lot of mail asking for help, mostly about engines but often about really important stuff, like how to file for immigration, or how to lay their hands on a copy of a local newspaper.
In most cases I'm both willing and able to provide the information they've asked for but

My e-mail address is veeduber@isp.com Send your request to that address and I will receive it. But be sure to include your own e-mail address.

So please help me out, if you can.
-Bob Hoover
Good to hear from you, Bob.
Keep up the fight. You're in my prayers.
Hi Bob, How are you feeling? If you think that this surgical repair will improve your life, and that you'll live quite a bit longer, then do it. If the general prognosis for your disease is poor, then it may not be 'worth' it. Life is precious, and the freedom to live it as long as possible, while being able to pursue our 'loves', makes it worthwhile. I'm no expert, but I thought I'd give you an opinion to think about. I hope you are able to find some small ways to lessen your pain and increase your ability to enjoy some things that you love to do, daily. Some days, just doing one thing that you enjoy, will suffice and sustain you through the difficult times. You're a widely-read, much-loved expert on many fronts, and we all need you as long as you are able to write. Take care, Bob, and keep your blogs coming as often as practical. mbucchino@charter.net
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